
August 2020

  • Channel Update

    Channel Update

    This time it’s about the current topic, film photography. Those of you who have been watching the photography videos will know that I’ve been going through cameras, taking photos and developing colour C41 film. I have much more films to process and a couple of things to show and review.I had ordered an Epson V600…

    Read more: Channel Update
  • What’s my channel about?!??

    What’s my channel about?!??

    You’ve probably noticed that my channel has taken a swish into film photography and film developing. As I’ve always said my interests are always random and impulsive, therefore my channel naturally ends up going the same way. Though I can tell whenever I switch subjects/topics/interests on my channel that some get fearful that i’m going…

    Read more: What’s my channel about?!??

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