Okay, so after almost a week of down time and intermittent connections, my website seems to be up again, finally! Now let’s hope it stays! Amidst the issues with the website and the connection issues, I had written a blog post. Many of you said you couldn’t link to it. So I will post the…
The first run of tapes now sent out! Since it’s my first time sending this amount all at once, to many different locations. It was a learning experience. Sending anything overseas has become such a pain! The hoops you have to jump through. The lady at the post office agreed as she had to type…
Finally! My new music album release, ‘Step Inside’. Initially I was aiming to release it before 2024 even started but I ended up going to Egypt and lots happened after that. We are now in February already, I can’t believe just how time vanishes past. The trip there made this album interesting as three of…
Alo everyone! I was initially going to release a personal stereo restoration on Saturday, this weekend. However upon completion of the editing, I felt the video just needed something more. So I decided to do more filming instead. I know those of you who are into Personal Stereos and Walkmans are going to be happy…
Most of you will know about my move late summer 2021, just slightly over two years ago now. This is the third autumn I’ve experienced here. It’s been a rocky ride on all aspects with so much happening in many directions at the same time. Basically a matter of renewing and repairing a broken household…
Even though I’m prone to having periods of quietness online, there’s still something or other happening in the background. I’m an 80s child after all, half of my life has been spent without the presence of the internet. Usually doing something creative or other in my bedroom (Often involving Amiga). So every now and then,…
I seem to be surrounded by them lately and notice them everywhere I look, 80s music videos, walking around town, etc. Especially the vintage synths from the 70s, 80s and 90s. Of course I love my Commodore Amiga computers, that goes without saying. Music trackers forever for me, but alongside Amiga, Synths have taken my…
My new album is finally completed and now available on Bandcamp. This is going to be quite a blog post. So, if you want something to listen to while you read on, then here’s the link to Paradox 🙂 Also please don’t forget to write a review on Bandcamp if you’re enjoying 🙂 It’s been…
I love seeing things like #heatwave trending, it means we’re there! 😀 Merely writing the title of this blog post brought excitement into my heart. Thinking about summers in the 1990s during my early college days brought great memories of messing with my Amiga and Yamaha SY22 synthesizer. The very one that was left here…
So this week’s project video is delayed as there was a lot going on this week, I managed to film it but still yet to edit. The reason being was that there were celebrations on Friday and I prepared food and desserts. So instead of rushing and stress myself out I decided to postpone the…
Hiya Maddi ☺️ Oh boy, You know, l wish l didn’t understand this so utterly completely as l do. I’ve…
Hiya Maddi ☺️ I do love watching the second channel for the gaming stuff and Vintage story l find most…
Hahah! What made you remember that all of a sudden? :-))
That video flip through where you kept dying laughing at some company called “Areola-soft” lives rent free in my head.…
Amiga Amplifier Art Audio C64 Cassette Cat Channel Computers Editing Egypt Electronics FX Gaming General Life MIDI Music Music Production oil paint Oil Pastel pastels People Polyend Tracker Project Records Retro SID SIDBox social media stereo Summer Synthesizer Synthesizers tapes Trackers Travel Update Video Videos Vintage Walkman Website Youtube ZX Spectrum
Hey Jason. I’m happy to hear that you’re enjoying the second channel. Vintage story is a nice balance of relaxing…