I’m Away… Far Away..

Or I’m close, depending on where you reading from 😉

So I’m in Egypt and visiting relatives here and making the most of it. It’s not a holiday in a tourist sense, no 5 star hotel nor resort. I’m staying in a family flat here and living like locals for a while. Meeting every day people, doing every day things. The last time I went away, if I don’t count the Amiga Ireland weekend in Ireland 2018, was to Morocco back in 2007, which was more of a tourist style holiday since I went as a photographer (More about that in a future post). So I’ve been needing this break for a long while now.

You can watch my overview video about Amiga Ireland 2018 here if you haven’t done already:

Before I continue to talk about Egypt and my experiences here so far, I wish to do a channel update and what’s been going on.

Channel Update

I have filmed a talk style video here in Egypt talking about what’s going on and channel updates. I have a basic travel laptop here which isn’t powerful enough to edit. However it allows me to check stuff and do a few things here and there, like Amiga Emulation (More about this later). I couldn’t find a way to prepare the update talk video to upload so I decided to do a blog post instead.

Also this laptop has a crap screen. Images look washed out so please do excuse if the colours don’t look right on the images. I’m doing all what I can with all what I have.


Before setting off to Egypt, I went on a full blown filming spree. I have so much footage and I planned to schedule videos to be uploaded while I’m here. I got around to filming a lot but I couldn’t finish off the editing in time. So I only managed to schedule two videos, which means we’re on a video break for two weeks. However, I have so much footage for when I get back. A lot I’m excited about sharing with you and more to film so there’s a lot coming up.

I wanted to just do some basic editing while here, as in trimming etc for brief update or vlog style videos. I didn’t get on with Kdenlive and I think it’s more to do with the lack of power this laptop has. Maybe not being able to find a way to edit is a sign. I don’t think I’m supposed to be doing that stuff if I’m taking a break from everything! So I’ll keep you posted with blog posts instead until I return.

Neelix the cat in my suitcase as i'm packing.
Neelix wanting to come with me <3

So we have Neelix hanging around me as I pack, honestly, I feel he knew something was going on as he was behaving differently.


Firstly, I wish to introduce you to scraggles. The day before my flight, we all went into town to have breakfast and a coffee. Somehow while wandering around town, we just decided to get these silly looking stress toys. Which I call ‘Scragglies’. We now have a family of them and mine is called ‘Scraggles’ who is now travelling around Egypt with me.

And there’s always one naughty one in the family!

As you can see, scraggles has been keeping me company throughout these very long journeys to the airport and then the flight itself.

Scraggles sitting on the coach seat tray

And then later that night on the flight, where I must say, he was looking a bit rounder and plumper than he normally does. I guess the cabin pressure bloats him a little. Also in front of him is a lovely piece of artwork done on a rock by Rich’s sister! The beautiful thing about being in a family of artists. You can see the other side of the rock in the image above, Thank you Sarah!

The Flight and Arrival

Out the window of the aircraft

Looking out the window of the aircraft, I start to see Egypt in the early hours of the morning. The food on the flight was actually really nice and normally I don’t expect too much from aeroplane food. But that was the best cheesecake I’ve had in quite a few years (Yes *sigh* byebye keto, for a little while, until I’m back). Although I’ll still be careful. I have to say, nicely done EgyptAir!

The journey map on the flight screen

The journey was long and tiring! Though seeing the Journey on the screen, while in the flight warmed my heart. I love the Mediterranean region. No matter where I am in the world, my soul will always reside in the Mediterranean region while I’m here on earth <3

Falafel sandwhich on arrival to Egypt

So the first ever thing I get to eat, driving from the airport to the flat. Falafel sandwhich, also fava bean sandwich. Yeah I think I’m going to enjoy my stay here!

Retro/vintage equipment in Egypt?

By the way, I’ve been on the look out for any retro related things, whether cassettes, computers, old cameras, tape recorders, anything of the sort!

Despite so much of Cairo still stuck in the 70s and 80s in appearance (Even earlier probably) and the cars that go by are so random. Vintage ones as well as modern ones.

First thing that caught my eye after setting off from the airport.

So many LADAs here, lots of LADAs! And other cars that look like LADAs :-))

I honestly haven’t found anything like vintage or retro equipment here other than the CRT TV tucked in a corner of the flat. Making me wish I was able to bring my Amiga with me. I hope I see a few things before I return, maybe I’m just looking in the wrong places.

I did however come across a ‘Tiandy’ store when I went to Tahrir. I’ll let you make of that what you will. My next visit to Tahrir hopefully won’t be so rushed and I want to take a look inside, who knows.. I may find ‘Reelistik’ equipment.. or maybe ‘Genexxer’.

Shop in Tahrir Square called Tiandy. Knock off Tandy?

Also to give me my retro fix, I brought along my Matsui Radio Personal Stereo Recorder along with a few cassettes. I’ve been listening to Egyptian Arabic radio and recording songs and shows onto tape like the good old days.

Matsui Personal Stereo Radio Recorder along with cassettes

Perfect way to capture some memories and moments <3.

Reocrded Egyptian Radio shows onto cassette.

So I’ve already filled a couple of tapes so far, I’m regretting not bringing a couple more now!

By the way, some of you will recognize the Matsui cassette recorder as its the one I restored on my channel a couple of years back. I’m so glad I decided to get this!

Scraggles enjoying Arabic Radio
Scraggles Enjoying Analogue Arabic Radio

Amiga and Music

So earlier in this post, I talked about Amiga Emulation on the laptop. So there’s been some progress on my upcoming album. I wanted to write some music here but instead of taking my Polyend Tracker, I decided to take the Amiga in the form of Emulation. Which means I’ve reverted back to how I first wrote music. On the Amiga, with no MIDI keyboard controller connected, with just the typing keyboard being used as the musical keyboard. That brought back some early Soundtracker Pro 2 memories!

I wanted to write some music while I’m in the state of mind of being here, with the surroundings and experiences influencing me. I’ve written two tracks so far and I plan to do at least one more hopefully if I have the time.

Soundtracker Pro 2 on an Emulated Amiga in Egypt. Creating music.

Meanwhile, as I write my music, there’s Scraggles enjoying the sunshine and the view from the balcony.


I have to say something about the people here, I want to do a proper talk video talking about this in more detail, but summarizing it. People may not always smile in the street, they may be straight talking and straight acting. But when you’re in trouble and need help, if you’re lost or anything like that. You ask and they will go out of their way and help you without even expecting a thank you. I had issues with uber at one point and asked this lady who worked in a shop. She and her colleague helped me out and when thanking her. She said “No need, it’s upon us to help one another”.

Specifically talking about relatives we’ve been visiting. Open hearts all around, so hospitable and warm hearted. Last night the relative upstairs, Marwa, she didn’t let me leave until 4am, later I think.

I’m not complaining at all because she was so heartwarming and happy to see me. I was absolutely stuffed to the freakin gills though! Marwa, if you’re reading this انت شريرة!

I had a great laugh for hours with her and her family. She kept asking me not to go back to the UK, just stay here in Egypt. If I lived here and she was my neighbour I honestly don’t think we’d ever be out of each other’s homes!

Two nights prior to this, we were in another relatives’ home, there were kids too there and again for hours sitting around me, asking me questions and in general we were having such a good time. I was talking to this girl, Malak, who was so sweet! Our hearts were melting as we so badly wanted to hang out regularly! Again another one who I know if I lived here, I’d be hanging out with her a lot!

What a wonderful warm experience. despite people having phones, TVs and other tech, I actually experienced life as it was in the 80s & 90s, families eating together, sitting together, simply talking to one another for hours and having conversations without being glued to their phones or other technology. When I stayed till the early hours at Marwa’s place upstairs last night. The TV wasn’t turned on once! I loved it!

The way I was treated by everyone so far has actually moved me to the point of tears how generous and loving they are. However I’m not surprised at all. It’s a huge part of our culture to be this way. I won’t lie, I was able to be myself without any sort of complications.

More to come

I cannot fit all I want to say about my stay here in just a single post, this was actually meant to be just an update post on what’s going on and what my plans are when I return. But once I started mentioning things, I couldn’t stop! Yet I’ve not said everything so far, by no means! The stay isn’t over yet, just two thirds of the way in so I’ve got more things to see and more people to meet.

I will keep you updated with blog posts while I’m still here and continue with videos once I return.

I hope you’re all having a lovely evening <3

7 responses to “I’m Away… Far Away..”

  1. Corey Ostman avatar
    Corey Ostman

    What a fantastic opportunity to visit Egypt. Nenita and I need to get there soon, we’ve both been wanting to for a really long time. Really looking forward to hearing more about your adventures. Have a great time!

  2. Paul Jackson avatar
    Paul Jackson

    How exciting! Scraggles appears to be enjoying every minute of the trip and sounds like you’re being well looked after too!

    Neelix looked all set to come with you and had bagged his spot in the suitcase there. No doubt he knows all about cats being worshipped in ancient Egypt and fancied a bit of that himself. 🤣

    I’m curious now to see what delights are found within a Tiandy store and looking forward to hearing more.

    Ooh, and using Soundtracker with the qwerty keyboard is truly hardcore! Hahah, nice! 😎

  3. Jason Marrison avatar
    Jason Marrison

    Hiya Maddi ☺️Wow! What a fantastic trip you are on at the moment. The sights, smells, sounds and tastes must be absolutely amazing.

    Can’t wait to see what videos and other bits and pieces you have lined up for us all from your time in Egypt. It will prove to be most interesting as l am always fascinated with other cultures and customs.

    This is a well deserved break/adventure that lets you reconnect and I am beyond excited for you Maddi, excellent stuff indeed.

    Anyways, have a brilliant rest of your stay, safe travels back and all the best to you, Rich, the suitcase ninja Mr Neelix and everyone there and all your friends and family in Egypt ☺️

  4. Farold Haltermeyer avatar
    Farold Haltermeyer

    Very awesome, sounds like you’re having fun and recharging the inspiration batteries. Looking forward to seeing and hearing all that it inspires. Enjoy 🙂

  5. Tamer Rafie avatar
    Tamer Rafie

    A true genuine person who became an Egyptian Already, Egyptian Maddi and we are honored.

  6. […] since I returned from Egypt and things need sorting out. As you may have known from a previous blog post or if you follow me on Mastodon, Facebook or Twitter. I stayed in Egypt for a month visiting […]

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