Even though I’m prone to having periods of quietness online, there’s still something or other happening in the background. I’m an 80s child after all, half of my life has been spent without the presence of the internet. Usually doing something creative or other in my bedroom (Often involving Amiga).

So every now and then, I revert back to a totally offline state where I naturally avoid social media and want to just get on with stuff without any external noise. Maybe I’m an oddball but this works for me.
Though I’ve got a lot of messages I need to reply to and things to catch up on. If you’re someone who has messaged and not received a reply from me yet, I do apologize, I’m not ignoring you. My mind has LOTS going on simultaneously and things go around it in a few directions at the same time. I will however, catch up on it all and get back to you. Thanks for being patient with me!
So putting aside the usual plentiful things that life generally throws at us, aside, I’ll be sharing all what I’ve been up to throughout this month. Firstly the creation of the next music album has already begun. I’ve created two tracks already and with some new and exciting samples. Well, new to use at least, the synthesizers I’ve sampled from are vintage classics used a lot in the 80s. I have sampled from the classic Roland Juno60 and Juno106 synthesizers. Yes which means I’ve spent hours sampling also.

So I’m quite liking the sound of the first two tracks of the next album and so is Rich. I think I’m going to carry on, let it flow and not lose the thread. I have a goal of releasing it before the end of the year to brighten up the upcoming darker months a little. However, we’re still in summer (even though it was quite a cold and wet one mostly) so I’m going to cherish it for however long it’s here.
And with regards to the image above, yes I am one of those odd people who sit in strange places. Whether it’s on the hallway floor, or on the stairs, or a window ledge. I just find it gives a different feeling or atmosphere. I tend to also create in those odd places as the environment I’m in somehow engraves into the memory of whatever I’m creating. (Yes I know I’m weird, but that’s probably why you follow me ;-)) )
Though I’m wondering if it’s the reason why Neelix loves to be around me too. He must relate to my behaviour ;-))

Of course, he takes it to a level where I can’t.

Speaking of creativity and Neelix, I’m also working on three oil paintings at the moment (the third one isn’t in the photo below).

That may sound a lot but to me personally at least, before I can paint another layer, I have to let it harden which takes a few days. So it sorta makes sense to work on another while the first one is hardening. Speaking of art, I’ve been the local ‘Henna lady’ around here lately. After doing some on my own arm, Rich’s daughter wanted it on hers.

Of course, henna has been my thing most of my life as I’m Arab and it’s a part of my culture. It’s nice to share that around, along with the cooking. I’m starting to be known for my baklava, falafel and other Middle Eastern dishes. Rich’s niece also wanted some done on her hand.

Rich’s daughter and I have also been making healthy guilt free gummy bears and other gummies. Which we finished off half a jar of while watching 80s movies. I’m sure Mr Miyagi would approve.

Not to mention an unexpected game of Monopoly on the old board from my childhood, talk about a blast from the past. I can’t believe she beat me! Though I haven’t played for decades so I’m rusty. Looking forward to the next game ;-))

Going back onto music creation, I’m considering doing something on OctaMed for at least a couple of tracks on my next album. Even though I much prefer the interface of Soundtracker Pro 2, I know that Octamed is functionally superior and I wish to explore it more.

Perhaps even linking up the Amiga with the Polyend tracker, which I have to say, I’m enjoying using more and more. I might make a follow up video to my review one after I’ve used it and got to know it a bit more.
I’m quite excited about linking my Amiga to the Polyend Tracker and using it with Octamed. I still want to do a couple of tracks on Soundtracker pro 2 in good old 4 channel Amiga fashion.
In fact I want to make a video about trackers and my personal thoughts on them. Also a few people have said some thought provoking things in comments around and I wish to mention those and my thoughts about them also.

The last project video I did a couple of weeks ago was about me trying to link two Amiga computers together each with Soundtracker pro 2, to create 8 channels. Unfortunately I couldn’t get it working 100% as it should but there were a few suggestions.
If you missed that video and wish to watch it then it’s linked here:
Anyway, I will keep this post short(ish) and sweet. And leave you with Mr Bale, a bit of a private joke between a certain person and I ;-))
However he’s cheerful enough for everyone to appreciate.

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