waffle ice cream cone hot summer

Quick Channel Summer Update

Hello everyone! I hope you’ve been enjoying this sunshine we have been having. I know it’s a lot for some of you as it has been very hot.

However i’ve been making the most of it. Since summer is my favourite season with plenty of nostalgia for me. I have decided to work on a summer special video, similar to the hour and a half long Retro Holiday special I did back in 2020 (check it out below)

I’m currently working on this summer special video and have already filmed lots of footage the past few weeks doing various things. While editing and working on the video just now, i’ve just realised i’ve done a lot more than originally planned. So rather than making the summer special an hour an a half long (it would probably end up being two hours knowing me) I am thinking of releasing it as two videos.

So you lovely people get a double dose of my summer antics 🙂
I will be releasing the first one sometime this weekend and the second the following week. There’s also another good reason why my video production has been delayed a little, i’ve started my fourth music album and i’m really excited about the four tracks i’ve created so far, looking forward to creating more.

You know when there’s so many things you want to do and have the eagerness to do all of it, but you only have a single pair of arms and legs and one head, plus only 24 hours in a day and require 8 hours of sleep each day? … Yeah, I got that.
If you can’t wait and/or the summer heat has been too much for you and you fancy a little break from it (also if you’re missing xmas :-p) and haven’t seen my Holiday special from 2020 yet, then check out the video below .

Summer Special parts 1 and 2:

If you’re more of a winter person then check out my 2020 Holiday special below:

One response to “Quick Channel Summer Update”

  1. […] Last Year’s Summer Specials […]

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