Most of you will know about my move late summer 2021, just slightly over two years ago now. This is the third autumn I’ve experienced here.

It’s been a rocky ride on all aspects with so much happening in many directions at the same time. Basically a matter of renewing and repairing a broken household (in more ways than one), which had been broken for many years before I ever knew of it. The house itself also needs a lot of work in physical terms, so repairing and fixing the house is quite symbolic and feels more like a spiritual process.
I’ve faced quite a few challenges. Some heavy, other’s not so much. I’ve come out much stronger through them. Dealing with this particular situation isn’t for the fainthearted. Hopefully I’ve been helping and supporting others around me to come out of darker times. I keep most challenges I’ve faced in life private and share very little on social media or online as I’m naturally a private person.

In summary I just wish to be real and mention that there’s more going on in the background in my life than the projects and art that I do. I am juggling a lot more than you may realize. I’m just not a fan of advertising every little thing I do and go through as my focus is just on doing it. I mention this to add context to the hints expressed in my artwork or music as form of creative expression.

With regards to the project side of things, It’s taken a while for me to get a dedicated space for my project work and ‘Ms Mad Lemon’. The attic room above was initially going to be my creative and project space. I even started setting it up.
Rich’s daughter then spent some time with me up there and she really enjoyed herself. It also took her back to the time where she used to spend a lot of time with Rich up there, as he used to practically live in the attic room after fixing it up pretty well. Plenty of fun games of Minecraft were played in that room 🙂
So now she is happy in the attic room and I have to say it’s looking wonderful now and a great place to chill. Slowly working through the house as each room needs a fair amount of work on it. Her old room is now my project room and while working on other rooms, the project room was not in the best of ways.

As you can see it was quite hectic in here. You can get to the other side of the room but yeah, It’s pretty much a labyrinth.
So the videos I’ve created in the past two years have been in makeshift locations, nothing at all has been prepared, they’ve been on the fly or very ad-hoc, even more so than usual. I’ve not had all my equipment I usually use, at hand. Nothing organized and everything is everywhere with places for everything constantly changing.
So to the couple of people who’ve asked if my videos are scripted, they never have been but the ones in the past two years have gone a step further into spontaneity.

Considering all the videos and projects I’ve created, recorded and released two albums Zaman and Paradox, while I’ve been in this ad-hoc state, not to mention the tracks for the upcoming album. I don’t think I’ve done too badly at all 🙂

Single-handedly, I’m sorting this room out, as well as another room simultaneously, as Rich is dealing with other things. I don’t think either of us could handle the entire situation on our own. Each of us is coming out stronger for doing so. The time period all this takes to do, is irrelevant. There’s no race or competition. The only comparison I make is a progressive one, every little bit fixed, fought, repaired or created, is better than how it was when I first arrived here.

The intentional delays we’ve had with certain things, we’ve actually used to our advantage. In fact they’ve taught us a lot about ourselves and others, exposed a lot for sure and we’ve built up endurance and continue to do so. That’s why I never complain when life throws a barrier or calamity, it’s an opportunity to do some genuine inner work and improve things 🙂

I even took up the rug that was there and need to sort the flooring out, sorted out the broken electrics in the room and installed more plug sockets. Installed a ceiling fan as this room gets pretty hot in summer, adequate lighting since the lighting in this room was broken. Despite my hatred of DIY, Rich said he’s happy I know my way around electrics enough to do all this stuff. I think I’ve saved us a lot since we’ve not needed an electrician yet :-)). I personally I’m glad if I don’t have to do DIY again, I prefer electronics to home electrics any day.
So, the room isn’t completely done, but I’ve got a better makeshift space to film videos for now. Rich is good at the woodwork so now we need to save up for some wood so he can fit in a good desk/workbench, which will be my new project and channel workspace. I have filmed bits here and there so there will be a project room video once it’s all done.
As I always say, whenever there’s quiet time and I haven’t posted much, there’s always something like this that’s going on in the background. And eventually there will be some sort of update or post on my blog explaining why I’m quiet and what I’m focusing on.

My entire time creating videos on Youtube, all 8 years, coming up to 9 years now, I’ve never had stable surroundings. Even in the previous place the bedroom was my makeshift workspace and it wasn’t Ideal, things were constantly changing around. Once this room is done, I will for the first time have a proper dedicated space.

Again, I have to say, doing all what I’ve done in the past eleven years, project-wise, despite all the surrounding instability, lack of foundation, inconsistency and hectic-ness (Is that a word?). I don’t think I’ve done so badly at all 😀

I’ve learned a tonne about myself and people in general during this past decade.

Now that I have some space freed up, I’m going to work on a video and try to aim to finish for this weekend. The last video I did on Trackers, went down pretty well. If you haven’t seen it, then feel free to watch here:
I wish you all a lovely week 🙂
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